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The Twenty Most Expensive Dog Breeds For Insurance

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A dog’s breed can greatly affect the price you’ll pay for pet insurance. Other price factors are the pet’s age, your coverage choices and your location (because veterinarian costs vary by region).

Exactly which dog breeds are most and least expensive to insure? Popular breeds like Mastiffs and Saint Bernards make the list. We analyzed filings made by pet insurance companies to state departments of insurance to find their breed pricing groups.

20 Most Expensive Dog Breeds for Pet Insurance

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Pet insurance companies commonly use dog breed as a factor when setting insurance rates. Here are the 20 dog breeds that are often the most expensive to insure:

  • American Bandogge Mastiff
  • American Mastiff
  • Bantam Bulldog
  • Belgian Mastiff
  • Boerboel
  • Bullmastiff
  • Cane Corso
  • Dogue de Bordeaux
  • Fila Brasileiro/Brazilian Mastiff
  • French Bulldog
  • Mastiff
  • Neapolitan Mastiff
  • Nebolish Mastiff
  • Newfoundland
  • Pyrenean Mastiff
  • Rottweiler
  • Saint Bernard
  • South Russian Ovcharka
  • Spanish Mastiff
  • Tibetan Mastiff

Examples of Pet Insurance Cost Differences Among Dogs

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The average cost of pet insurance will vary by dog breed. Larger dogs, for example, tend to cost more to insure.

Other Common Costs of Dog Ownership

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In addition to pet insurance, factor these common costs into your budget.

  • Veterinary care not covered by pet insurance (such as routine wellness care, unless you have a wellness plan with your pet insurance)
  • Food and treats
  • Leashes and collars
  • Grooming
  • Toys
  • Boarding
  • Dog walking service
  • Training
  • Crates and dog beds

Boarding, dog sitters and dog walkers may interest you if you’re going on vacation or away from home during the day. Training may be a good idea, but some dogs are already trained when you adopt them.

Is Your Dog’s Breed Expensive to Insure?

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Find your dog’s breed below to see if it’s relatively cheap or pricey for pet insurance.

Find Your Dog’s Breed


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Article information

Author: Barbara Barnett

Last Updated: 1702171803

Views: 647

Rating: 3.8 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Barbara Barnett

Birthday: 1990-10-10

Address: 6681 Taylor Manors, South Shirleymouth, WI 70543

Phone: +3904932101443773

Job: Archaeologist

Hobby: Dancing, Gardening, Table Tennis, Video Editing, Tea Brewing, Basketball, Hiking

Introduction: My name is Barbara Barnett, I am a transparent, skilled, risk-taking, multicolored, rare, honest, artistic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.