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The Price of Bitcoin Rises Above $31,000

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The price of bitcoin rose above $31,000 Monday, touching its highest level since May 2022.

Bitcoin traded at about $31,574 at 5 p.m. ET Monday, up 6.7% from its level at 5 p.m. ET Friday. The digital currency has gained 91% this year, according to Dow Jones Market Data.

Bitcoin-related assets also rose to start the week. Shares of Coinbase Global, which is slated to report third-quarter earnings next Thursday, gained more than 3%. Shares of Bitcoin miners Marathon Digital and Riot Platforms jumped.


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Author: Joan Hart

Last Updated: 1702110003

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Name: Joan Hart

Birthday: 1955-06-10

Address: 9849 Riley Route, North Lawrenceton, MS 39585

Phone: +4054630419585890

Job: Event Planner

Hobby: Pottery, Amateur Radio, Golf, Skiing, Animation, Bird Watching, Raspberry Pi

Introduction: My name is Joan Hart, I am a candid, frank, Open, Gifted, vibrant, sincere, receptive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.