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How to modify your username on Threads - Dexerto

Jitendra Soni

Changing your name on the Threads app is more complex than you think. Let this step-by-step guide help with the process if you want to change your Threads username.

Mark Zuckerberg’s brainchild, Threads, has become the hottest social media platform overnight. It’s not just millions of users who’ve joined Threads, but the high engagement among its users is also unprecedented.

While this new Twitter-alternative is simple to use, thanks to its resemblance to Twitter in more ways than one, it has a few quirks. The most significant limitation is that you need an Instagram account to be able to use Threads.

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Secondly, if you’ve already joined Threads, you’d know that your Instagram account becomes your Threads handle by default. Since both the user names must remain synced to allow a seamless login experience, you cannot update your Threads handle independently.

So, if you want to change your Threads username, you must first change your Instagram name.

How to change your account name on Threads

Change your Threads usernameDexerto

To change your Threads username, you first need to log into Instagram. Then follow the below process:

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  • From the home page, go to your profile page by tapping your profile image at the bottom right
  • Tap on the “Edit profile” button
  • Tap the Username field and update it according to your preference
  • Save once done
  • Wait for some time for the changes to show up on Threads

Why can’t I have a different username on Threads and Instagram?

Threads is designed in a way that you cannot have separate handles from Instagram. Since you’ll be able to log in with your Instagram handle, it also means that you’ll have one less user ID and password to remember.

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Can I change my profile picture on Threads?

Yes, you can change your profile picture on Threads and keep separate profile pictures for Instagram and Threads. You can check this guide if you want to update your Threads profile picture.

Check out our guides on Threads

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Author: Amy Hart

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Name: Amy Hart

Birthday: 1925-11-29

Address: 328 Ruben Trail, New Jacobburgh, KS 66565

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Introduction: My name is Amy Hart, I am a resolved, expert, accomplished, unguarded, lively, vibrant, resolute person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.